CEREC Restoration - Single Central with Amalgam Core Post Coverup

Thomas Monahan John Daw
10 years ago

This very nice lady came in to see if I could improve #9. #9 has a history of trauma which required endodontic treatment but is now asymptomatic. Patient said that fifteen years ago when tooth was displaced, it wasn’t restored back into original position. Previous dentist placed some type of metal core so I explained to her the challenges in masking this while making it match her adjacent teeth. I get a little concerned in these cases with trying to remove an existing core without causing damage to the root. Plus one does not know what the condition is of the tooth underneath the existing restoration.





While the patient is becoming numb, I use the pola_eyes filter to see if I can get the shade confirmed with the appropriate block.




The crown is removed and voila, gross, super dark amalgam core. But it has minimal caries around the core and it is very stable. It also has a lot of sound tooth structure around the core. Therefore I elect to leave the buildup/post.



So I bond on an opaquer and finish my prep. In this case I used Renamel Pink Opaque by Cosmedent. Looking back, I could have carried it more mesially, but this didn’t affect the final outcome.



After all my try-in pictures were analyzed, I went with e.max LT using BioReference




These cases are usually very challenging. Using this workflow I hoped to minimize the grey hairs. Everything went really well and took a little over 90 minutes to complete the case.


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