CEREC Software 4.3 Works Hard So You Don't Have To!

Thomas Monahan Peter Gardell
11 years ago

With CEREC Software 4.3 now a reality, there are many improvements that help our CEREC lives . I think one of the most significant when it come to visit efficiency is the new way the software processes our Omnicam video streams. Because it is a process that happens in the background,  you may not be aware that it is happening. Prior to this release I would almost always take the Cut Tool during the Acquisition Phase and remove almost all the scatter and unwanted tissue. This would make a virtual model much clearer, allowing for easier and more accurate Buccal Bite stitching. I have to admit that when I first started to use CEREC Software 4.3 I continued with the cleaning of the acquisition models with the Cut Tool. Because I was spending time doing this, I was compromising my appointment efficiency. I hated to spend the time allowing the models to process and only getting a virtual model that didn’t stitch or, even worse, stitched poorly.


You can see in this screen capture of  this case in the Acquisition Phase, too much lip was captured. In the past, this could be a big problem. I definitely would have to use the Cut Tool to remove this artifact overlaying the teeth I imaged for the Buccal Bite. It wasn’t tough to do but it was time consuming!



Cleaner and faster models are created automatically as you can see. No Cut Tool was used to remove the lip and vestibule; just that fact alone makes this software improvement great.



But there is so much more with CEREC Software 4.3. Including, as with this case, better fits with your partial coverage cases. Many improvements are going on in the background so you may not notice. To find out more about these improvements make sure to visit the Digital Learning Section of for videos on the latest software release.

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