CEREC Chairside Software to Sirona Connect….Finally!

Thomas Monahan Bob Conte
11 years ago


The release of CEREC Chairside software version 4.3 brings with it many improvements over previous versions. My favorite, by far, is the ability to seamlessly move a case from Chairside to Connect. This has been a long time in the works and Sirona has now made it a reality.

Sirona Connect  (formerly CEREC Connect) was first introduced in 2008, yet it remains underutilized by most users. As CEREC users we have the most accurate scanner in the market, yet when it comes to working with an outside laboratory many are still taking PVS impressions. Why? One of the main reasons for this was that the clinician was forced to decide in advance if the particular case was going to be done in-house or by the lab. Imaging was then done in the appropriate software. 

Today the workflow is very intuitive. We begin our cases in Chairside 4.3. and at any time during the imaging or design process we can then decide to use our favorite lab with a simple click. Maybe there is not enough clearance to use our traditional blocks. Maybe the esthetics of the case is beyond our skill set. Maybe the case is a difficult design. Or, in the case of bridges, maybe we’d like to use the same set of images and models to mill a provisional and then outsource for the permanent prosthesis. The ability to decide to use a lab after initial imaging simply takes the pressure off. Image EVERY case and then either mill it or send it out. Easy! Thank you Sirona!

If you want to learn more about the CEREC 4.3 software, visit

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