CDOCS a SPEAR Company Scientific Symposium - Speaker Highlight: Dr. Michael Skramstad

Thomas Monahan Mark Fleming
11 years ago


Another person who is part of this great speaker line up with whom I have had the pleasure of working with is Dr. Michael Skramstad. He is well known throughout the CEREC community for his incredible knowledge about the CEREC software. His title of his presentation is Restoring Implants with CEREC.


Dr. Michael Skramstad currently is a member of the faculty in the CAD/CAM department at the Spear Campus and, a nationally renowned website for continuing education in CEREC dentistry. He performs all aspects of cosmetic, implant and family dentistry with a particular focus on esthetic and CAD/CAM computerized dentistry. 


Dr. Skramstad is a Basic and Advanced trainer for Patterson Dental and has lectured internationally on digital dentistry and the CEREC restorative process. He works closely with Sirona’s engineering team to help with the development of CEREC hardware and software and is a product consultant for numerous dental companies. He was also voted one of Mpls/St. Paul Magazines “Top Dentists” multiple times by his peers.

Dr. Skramstad’s professional affiliations include the American Dental Association, Minnesota Dental Association, the American Academy of Computerized Dentistry, and the International Academy of Computerized Dentistry.

Dr. Skramstad grew up in Marshall, Minn. and attended college at Purdue University, where he graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Genetics in 1996. He then returned to Minnesota and graduated from the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry in 2000.

Make your plans to be at the largest CEREC meeting of 2014. For more information, email, call 877-295-4276 or visit


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