A Photo With the Father of CEREC

Thomas Monahan Sameer Puri
12 years ago

A few weeks back we had the opportunity to host our annual Mentor meeting.  We have a group of dedicated clinicians who not only assist new users online but also assist doctors in the classroom.  These Mentors are the lifeblood of the online community of  

  At this years meeting we had the opportunity to have not only as a speaker but also as a panelist Dr. Werner Moorman.  If you know anything about CEREC and CAD CAM dentistry you know that Dr. Mormann is essentially the Father of CAD CAM Dentistry.  Almost 30 years ago, he invented the CEREC system which today has grown into the best selling dental CAD/CAM system anywhere in the world.   On the third day of the meeting, we concluded the event with a live patient demo.  During the cementation of the restoration, we had a panel where the audience could ask questions.  One of the panelists as mentioned was Dr. Mormann.  As soon as the panel was over, I asked Dr. Mormann if he wouldn't mind posing for a photo with the group.     What you see below is only part of the clinicians who were around for the last part of the meeting.  Many of the doctors after 2.5 days of learning, decided to hit the pool or hit the golf course or both not knowing that this photo session would occur.  Those dedicated few that stuck around were treated to a once in a lifetime opportunity.  Not too often do we CEREC geeks get to chat with and take a photo with the guy that invented the CEREC.   I for one will cherish this photo and am grateful to Dr. Mormann for creating what has become an intricate part of my life.  CAD/CAM runs in my blood and I was honored to share the stage with him for this photo.  
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