Make Sure you Label Your Abutment Properly

Thomas Monahan Sameer Puri
12 years ago

When using the 4.2 software to create custom abutments, you will no doubt have a panic attack if you see the following proposal from the software.  Not only will you wonder how the proposal is so "squished" at the cervical but you will also wonder if intact the implant was placed as deep as you see it below in the screen shot. Notice the contours below the tissue in the first screen shot.  What tool would you use to correct this?


In reality, there is not a tool that can fix this.  If you look at the position of the implant, you will see how far sub gingival it has been placed.  This is not the actual placement of the implant but intact an error by telling the software you used the ScanPost instead of the TiBase.  The TiBase is shorter and can be used on models whereas the ScanPost is longer and taller and is meant to use intra orally. If you designate the wrong scanning device, it completely throws off the position of the implant for the software and causes the problem that you see above.     Yes you can spend an hour fixing the proposal but when you try this in the patients mouth the entire position will be off because the software thinks you used a longer scanning post than you actually did thereby positioning the implant too far sub gingival on your virtual model.   Always make sure that you have the correct scanning device selected when in the Administration phase so that you will get ideal proposals.  
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