Learning New Things

Thomas Monahan Jeffrey Caso
14 years ago

With the upcoming release of the new 4.0 CEREC software some of us are going to have to step out of our self-imposed comfort zones and challenge ourselves. Our current software is working well for us and has been a huge advancement in and of itself. Some may say, "Well, if it's working for me now and it's doing what I want it to do, then why switch?" The answer, my friends, after spending some time testing the new software, is simply because it's the future.

That may not be a good enough answer for some of you who look at this release as a hassle, thinking 'Why should we have to relearn the entire software when what we have is just fine?' Well, it's not really going to be that you need to relearn everything. You already know the dentistry involved in giving the machine CEREC friendly preps. You already know how to image. Milling is essentially the same. The element that is different is the design process. The learning curve will not be steep at all and what you will gain is enormous.

Dentistry, CEREC dentistry in particular, is moving toward creating a level of convenience for your patients that they have grown used to. They just expect everything to be done in a manner that minimizes their time in the chair. I was always concerned about presenting quadrant dentistry to my patients. Well, after using CEREC for quite some time, I don't have to present it. They present it to me. "Hey doc, while you're working on that side, can you replace the ugly amalgam in the next tooth?" Sure I can. It will only take a few extra minutes to do that.

Well, in my opinion, that's what 4.0 helps us with in an extraordinary fashion. The simultaneous design of multiple restorations, anywhere in the mouth. The proposals are dead on and the time it takes to accomplish multiple restorations is lightning fast. In addition, the design of anterior restorations just became simple. Mostly because the proposals are great and the 3D tools are simple, intuitive and super-effective to use.

Learning new things can make us nervous, especially when we are learning in front of our patients. My advice is to jump in with both feet. Start by watching videos on and practicing a few times in between patients. Then just go for it. The software is now refined to a level that will make you smile.

Challenge yourself if you must; push yourself if you need to. Embrace the change and in just a case or two you will be using it in a fast, efficient manner. Don't make the mistake of looking at it as a hassle; don't let it sit on your desk for weeks. Just do it. It will amaze you, it will tantalize you, it will reinvigorate you and it will make you a better CEREC dentist. Most importantly, don't be afraid of it. Enjoy the next phase of your journey. The future is now. Have fun with it.

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