Carrots wait for no one, so I pick them now

Thomas Monahan Peter Gardell
15 years ago

You might be wondering what a quote from a cartoon bunny from the 60's has to do with the most cutting edge dental system, just give me some time and things will fall into place. I was out of town at the Cerec Experience and a patient of mine broke her front tooth. Her name is Mary, she has been a patient for a long time.It was a tooth that broke this summer and told her she need a crown but for personnal reasons she didn't go for it. No problem Mary I can fix it up and we will see how long it lasts. She was happy and was able to go back down to the shore for the rest of the summer. Well it broke and she had some important meetings so she had to get it fixed. Went to another dentist who prepped it for full coverage and temped it. I lost the crown - stinks but she had it taken care of and that is what mattered. She came in for a recare visit and she looked worried, I thought it was about her problems she has been going through. I asked how she was and she told me what was wrong. She felt terrible that she had not had the crown done earlier she should have listened to me when I recommended to have the crown done during the summer. I told her no big deal she had it done. Of course I started to ask her how it was going with the crown. She said she hated the temp. Has fallen out, doesn't feel right, her gum is sore around the tooth, and it looks bad. To top it off Thanksgiving was coming up and her family was coming into town. The final one wouldn't be ready in time. She said her son was telling her she should have waited to get the 1 visit crown, she felt terrible. I told her that the temp was on so just wait it out for the final crown to be done, make sure that you are happy with the final one. Yes I could do a 1 visit but not in this case. But if it happens again yes I can do the 1 visit crown. BTW the gold bridge that was done 25 years ago does need to be redone as I have told you over the past few years. At the encounter I listened to Imtiaz speak again about the numbers, nudge here, low hanging fruit there, and he is right. I need to be reminded of this time to time. Got to keep your eyes open for opportunity. You can't take things for granted, got to keep your edge, but got to remember what your foundation is built on. So Mary finally commited to getting the implants to restore her failing quadrant. She didn't want anything to fail the way her front tooth did. In the last 2 weeks a number of Mary's friends have called since they have had teeth chip, recently or months ago, and wanted them fixed the right way without temps. So carrots are opportunity but not the normal in your face low hanging fruit. Carrots are there, but sometimes you need to work a bit to get them. You need to keep your eyes sharp to spot them. You don't need to dig deep for carrot, you dig deep you just end up with a bigger hole. Opportunty is there just might be presented in a way we don't expect so we have the potential of walking right by it. Spot them, work them, harvest them Even a patient that you haven't done a Cerec on can turn into a great advocate for the technology. Carrots wait for no one, So I pick them now

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