Shape of a lateral incisor

Thomas Monahan Mike Skramstad
10 years ago

The hardest tooth to design in the mouth IMO is a lateral....

I thought I would give a couple tips to help with some common mistakes that I see with the planning and design of lateral incisors:

  1. Try to keep the lateral a little bit more triangular in shape
  2.  It should always be inclined to the mesial (long axis) AND the rotated to the distal compared to the central.  I hope this makes sense...the midfacial should not be coming right at you like the central, it should be pointing slightly distal.
  3.  The Mesial line angle should be positioned more toward the center of the tooth than you might think (bigger mesial grind zone for those who have taken Level 4)
  4.  It should be positioned on a facial plane slightly more lingual to the Central and the Canine (The distal lobe of the Central should be prominent over the mesial of the lateral)
  5.  The mesial incisal embrasure should be larger than the Embrasure between the Centrals.  The Distal incisal embrasure should be even larger than the mesial
  6.  If you have space issues, always open up the distal incisal embrasure of the lateral to solve the spacing issue.  Will help you maintain correct proportions


And here is a crown on #7 to illustrate this concept:

I still do most all of my anterior work in Biocopy at this point.  Keep these 6 "checkpoints" in mind when doing your mockups or communicating with your lab for a diagnostic waxup. Hope it helps!




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