Today's Lateral incisor

Thomas Monahan Mike Skramstad
10 years ago

My favorite thing to do is match a single tooth into a difficult situation.  Here is one today that I did.

Tooth  #7 had RCT, metal post, and composite buildup that fractured off.

I built the tooth up using the existing metal post and remaining tooth structure and made a full coverage crown.

Vita Trilux 3M2 (the easy shade 3M1).  I don't have that shade in trilux, so I had to increase the chroma with Lustre Pastes.  Used a combination of L-A, L-N, L-2, L-3, and L-5 Lustre Pastes in 2 fires to get this final result.  Bonded with Variolink Veneer (old formulation) (-1).

This will be my topic at CEREC 30 breakout Saturday morning and I videotaped the contouring and LustrePastes technique on this case.



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