Cerec crown treatment planning

Thomas Monahan Calvin Riley
9 years ago

At our staff huddle today, the discussion was on patients that had been treatment planned for Cerec crowns and ideally needed crown lengthening to make room and get good food shedding characteristics. Some patients in the past, for one reason or another, elected not to do the Cerec crown on the basis of having to have another procedure done prior to the crown prep. The one patient in question was a female patient in her 40's who can definitely be classified as a 'bruxer.' #31 on the distal marginal ridge was worn down level to the marginal gingiva (or maybe 1/2 to 1mm above.) I told staff, "I need to get at least 1.5 mm reduction on the occlusal in order to make room for strength for the Cerec crown. Maybe the best thing to do is not treatment plan this tooth for a Cerec crown if patient can't accept crown lengthening as part of the therapy and just do an all metal crown which my lab man says we can work down to  0.3 mm."

What is this Forum's thoughts on this problem? Thanks

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