No Prep Veneers - Cerasmart

Thomas Monahan Bob Conte
9 years ago

This was an ortho case on a 15 year old with peg laterals. Orthodontist suggested "just a little bonding". After discussing the case with Mom. we decided to go with 2 no prep veneers until the kid is done growing at which time we'd then transition into something a bit more permanent. Without touching the teeth we imaged and then marginated manually. 2 Cerasmart veneers were milled out of a single block. Cerasmart was used as it can be repaired with composite if needed and it mills out razor thin margins. The veneers milled down to 0.5mm. The restorations were bonded in place with Variolink esthetic neutral. Fun case and way better than hand stacking the composite directly.

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