#30 extraction/Immediate Placement/Custom Abutment

Thomas Monahan Robert Lang
7 years ago

This patient presented with #30 crown fractured off with recurrent decay and the tooth could not be saved.  We discussed treatment options, he watched our implant videos on treatment options and possible implant treatment.  He elected to have an implant placed.  After taking the scan and doing the digital waxup it appeared that we could remove the tooth and place the implant immediately.  The roots were short and there was adequate bone.  I informed the patient that this was possible if all aspects of the procedure went perfectly, ie if the planets align.  If not we would remove the tooth and graft the site and wait.  I also did a custom healing abutment which I love in this situation as no sutures were required and it helped keep my graft in place, and started shaping the tissue immediately.

This was a motivated compliant patient that I got very good fixation of the implant.  It is not often I do molar immediates but felt this was a very good indication.


Ok Just finished this case..


Custom healing abutment removed

Showing gingival 1/3 of final crown and custom healing abutment are the same

final crown

final xray

I was very pleased with the final contours and tissue. 



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