Bread & Butter: How To Leverage Time with CEREC

Thomas Monahan Steven Hernandez
7 years ago

Nothing fancy here.  Typical case.  Pt appointed for #2, #3, #15 direct resins and #5 crown.  We scheduled 2 hrs and finished ahead of time; just over 1:30 (#5 Empress polish only; no oven time).  I hope the following tips help you leverage your CEREC and complete more treatment in the same amount of time.

1.  Anesthesia of upper right quad only.  Next capture pre-op images of arch as I wanted to copy the B cusp of #5.  Also image opposing arch.

2.  Teeth #2,3 & 5 prepared.  *Note that I did not spend time restoring the molars.  As soon as the images were captured and we advanced to the model screen, anesthesia was delivered for #15.

3.  You can use pre-op images to check your reduction if you're not using reduction burs or bite tabs.

4.  Copy line of #5 that avoids the DO resin, hole in the occlusal surface & abfraction.  

5.  Initial proposal.

6.  Overlaying images of pre-op and CEREC proposal.  


7.  Final design of #5 with unrestored #2,3.  



*While the CEREC was moving from AQUISITION to MODEL phase, anesthesia was delivered for #15.  No 'downtime' waiting for CEREC  to process models.

*While #5 was milling, #2, 3 were restored and #15 was prepared for a direct resin (OL).  

*Leaving #2,3 unrestored during imaging of #5 allowed me to disregard them when designing occlusal contact strength of #5 crown.  

*After restoring the molars, I could adjust the occlusion of #2,3 while #5 was milling.  Without the crown in place, I could disregard occlusion of #5 prep as there was none. 

*After delivering #5 and cleaning the area, #15 was restored.  As the upper right had already been restored/contacts adjusted and polished, I only had to concentrate on #15 when adjusting the composite.


Again, this isn't 'sexy,' just everyday bread and butter dentistry.  My hope is that you'll find all the little areas of 'downtime' during a crown appt and find that there is plenty of time to complete other dentistry and make the appointment more productive while not increasing chair time.  


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