Sometimes you have to do the first one...

Thomas Monahan Thomas Monahan
6 years ago

To get to the second one...

Patient is going through an extensive treatment plan but was concerned about #7. He stated he feels like he has a hole there when he smiled, and because it sat so far back, it was dark. He is not interested in ortho but asked if we could “bring it forward.”  He wasn't interested in #10 before this, before anyone asks. We were able to help him out today and now he is ready to do #10 interestingly. Very minimal prep on facial and I’ll try and dig up prep photo tomorrow. 
Felt like value is slightly low. Assistant did a great job with block selection and stain and glaze. One critique may have been we could have used a lighter cement. Great to take photos after these to learn and critique your work. 

Block is Vita Triluxe 3m2


Try In out of miller


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