CEREC Docs - Don’t Put Yourself on an Island!

While it is a fact that the learning curve for becoming CEREC-proficient is as shallow as it has ever been, there is still a lot to comprehend. From preparation to imaging to software design and understanding materials, there is a lot to learn. Fortunately the CEREC community is eager to share and assist fellow dentists in need of answers to their many questions.

Dentists by their nature are solo individuals who are often unwilling to admit that they do not know everything. We have been practicing dentistry for a long time and when a new technology is introduced, it rocks our boat. There are two ways to handle this. Give in to frustration and go back to the status quo or embrace the change and accept the challenge. Those who flounder are the dentists who do not ask for help.

Success with the system is easy with proper training, but you need to apply yourself. Basic training will make you safe, but you can further your CEREC education in a number of ways. Advanced courses, online resources such as, local study clubs, and your CEREC specialist are all valuable resources that you need to take advantage of. If you have a question, just ask. If you are having a problem, resolve it. Don’t put yourself on an island! We are all happy to help.

Check out the TEAM TRAINING in the digital learning library HERE