Less Expensive Means for Desensitizing


The majority of CEREC dentists find that the incidence and degree of post-operative sensitivity after placement of indirect ceramic restorations decreases compared to their “old” or traditional protocol. This is the result of same day bonding of the restorations as well as not subjecting teeth to several weeks of temporization. To decrease the potential for sensitivity even further, many clinicians opt to apply dentin desensitizers prior to cementation.


The majority of dentin desensitizers work by occluding dentinal tubules to varying degrees, there by preventing the flow of liquid within the tubules and thus decreasing sensitivity. With it’s 10 year track record, the gold standard for dentin desensitizers is Gluma by Haraeus Kulzer. It is a solution of 5% glutaraldehyde and 35% hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) in water. With a rather high price tag per 5ml bottle, the cost per procedure can add up.


Pulpdent’s Dentin Desensitizer has been my go to product for the past 5 years. It is the same 5% glutaraldehyde, but with fluoride in water. Flouride must be significantly less costly than HEMA. Having used Gluma on and off during this same time frame, there was no appreciable difference in reported sensitivities. And it is considerably more cost effective.


Give Puldent a try. You’ve got nothing to lose and lots to gain.