To Stain Or Not To Stain?

With last year's release of 3M's Lava Ultimate block and the recent release of Vita's Enamic, there have been some discussions as to the pros and cons of staining and glazing vs. polishing our restorations. Lava and Enamic fans are touting the time savings of polishing only vs. the necessary 15-20 minutes needed to glaze and crystallize Ivoclar's emax material. Personally, I feel the inability of Lava and Enamic to be fired is a slight drawback. Many argue that they do not have the time or desire to stain and glaze. This duty is easily delegated, however, below is a quick tutorial demonstrating the difference 2 colors can make to enhance our restorations.

The crown on the left has been sprayed with Ivoclar's crystal/glaze spray only. The crown on the right was enhanced by a 30 second application of white stain to the cusp tips, triangular ridges and marginal ridges. The same crown was then enhanced by a 30 second application of a dentin stain in the central groove area. That’s it. Two colors. The crown was then sprayed with the same spray glaze.

Obviously, you can get much more intricate with your stain technique, but if a quick pop is what you desire; two colors are enough to go from monochromatic to a crown with just a little more life. Is it worth 60 seconds? For some...