Anterior Crown and Veneer Feedback

I just took a final photo of a veneer case I completed a few weeks ago. I thought I'd throw it out to the CDocs community to get some valuable feedback as I'm still just starting out with anteriors. I love the feedback and varying perspectives this community provides to help me to constantly improve.

Thanks in advance for your feedback!


That is a fantastic result! Gingiva looks happy and propotions seem to be correct. #9 is so much better than #8 (distal line angle and incisal shape). Also I like mesial line angle of #7 which you dont see so clearly on #10

I bet you used wax up? :)

Awesome treatment!  what material?  how much prep?

Great job!  Could have thought about extending treatment to 12 and maybe 13, as they appear less prominent now that 11 is in a more buccal position. Hard to tell without the lip. 

Awesome results

really great job there.

You did a great job! Personally the only thing i  can nag about is that it's very much a "hollywood" smile especially color wise but if that's what your patient wanted and signed off on rock on :)

Great work Nathan.

Very nice work.  Also interested in material choice and prep design.  


On 10/12/2015 at 11:31 am, Marko Ahonen said...

That is a fantastic result! Gingiva looks happy and propotions seem to be correct. #9 is so much better than #8 (distal line angle and incisal shape). Also I like mesial line angle of #7 which you dont see so clearly on #10

I bet you used wax up? :)

Thanks for the feedback, everyone! Marko, I couldn't agree more with your perspective. I definitely used a wax up for this case. I had the patient wear the wax-up based temps for 1 week as a short evaluation period. Daniel, I agree that extending to #12,13 would have been ideal to fill out the buccal corridor, but the patient declined (for now...). Jos, I agree that the color is very Hollywood, but this was exactly what the patient wanted. If it were solely up to me, I probably would have went slightly darker. 

This was E.max Impulse V1. I felt that E.max was needed with this patient due to a history of broken restorations and bruxism. I used the Robert Winter veneer bur for 0.3/0.5/0.7 mm reduction. I tried to use all the things I learned in Level 4 including nice smooth, rounded preps. 

I couldn't have accomplished anything close to this without the help of everyone here and with the faculty at Level 4. Thanks, everyone! 


Beautiful Job.
However you asked for feedback. I agree with Marko, the first thing that I noticed was the difference between the distal incisal angles of 8 and 9. 8 is rounder and seems to slope gingivally compared to 9. I also think that with the amount of reduction, 6 and 11 could probably be thinner and not as prominent, fitting into the arch better.

Again, I am sure the patient is thrilled, and the case is great, but you asked!

On 10/13/2015 at 5:09 pm, Paul Goodman said... Beautiful Job. However you asked for feedback. I agree with Marko, the first thing that I noticed was the difference between the distal incisal angles of 8 and 9. 8 is rounder and seems to slope gingivally compared to 9. I also think that with the amount of reduction, 6 and 11 could probably be thinner and not as prominent, fitting into the arch better. Again, I am sure the patient is thrilled, and the case is great, but you asked!

Exactly the kind of feedback I was looking for, Paul! It's easy for me to lose perspective after being so closely involved in the entire design and fabrication process, so I appreciate an outside perspective. And what better perspective than everyone here's.

I'm going to take everyone's feedback to heart and hopefully my next case will be the better for it. 

Thanks again.


What a great case!  What I like about this is that it is not perfectly symetrical.  Nature is not symetrical and too often we dentists want to make everything perfect.  I will bet this looks very natural and people won't guess that the teeth are crowns.


On 10/13/2015 at 4:43 pm, Nathan Wong said...
On 10/12/2015 at 11:31 am, Marko Ahonen said...

That is a fantastic result! Gingiva looks happy and propotions seem to be correct. #9 is so much better than #8 (distal line angle and incisal shape). Also I like mesial line angle of #7 which you dont see so clearly on #10

I bet you used wax up? :)

Thanks for the feedback, everyone! Marko, I couldn't agree more with your perspective. I definitely used a wax up for this case. I had the patient wear the wax-up based temps for 1 week as a short evaluation period. Daniel, I agree that extending to #12,13 would have been ideal to fill out the buccal corridor, but the patient declined (for now...). Jos, I agree that the color is very Hollywood, but this was exactly what the patient wanted. If it were solely up to me, I probably would have went slightly darker. 

This was E.max Impulse V1. I felt that E.max was needed with this patient due to a history of broken restorations and bruxism. I used the Robert Winter veneer bur for 0.3/0.5/0.7 mm reduction. I tried to use all the things I learned in Level 4 including nice smooth, rounded preps. 

I couldn't have accomplished anything close to this without the help of everyone here and with the faculty at Level 4. Thanks, everyone! 


How much enamel was left on these preps?  Did you go full coverage or just veneers?  If not full coverage, do you feel you could have been more conservative with your preps?
  I'm definitely concerned about the longevity of the laterals. 

These were actually all full coverage crowns (my mistake on the title). I did what I thought to be ideal reduction on the facial using veneer depth cutting burs but the interproximals, especially on the laterals was dictated by huge composite fillings. 

Would you have done a buildup? 

Nice case!

I graduated Cal Poly SLO ,

awesome place to live .

Nice job on the very triangular teeth, which are sometimes difficult .

I hope to meet you soon

Phil Mendelovitz