First CEREC guide 2 placement

Very smooth procedure and, I feel, a tremendous product for us!  I honestly see very few reasons for me to use an Optiguide for a single tooth implant ever again.  And with the decreased costs I could see an advantage to possibly constructing 2 seperate guides for side by side or bridge abutment implants as well.  Imaging and design of the guide was straight forward.  Mill time for this was 45 mins for the guide.  Fit was quite good, and although I can see things I would adjust moving forward I have no complaints at all ( and my assistants did not miss the lab work involved in a C=guide 1.  Thank you to the innovative minds at Sirona for this one!!

If you doing multiple implants in the same arch you do not need to mill two CG2. Just order a digital guide which will cost less than $200. You will get one in less than 5 working days.

Beautiful case by the way!

@ jim

​@ beta testers for cg2

is the d2 based off of a 1 mm height on the Sirona keys? Or is it to the top of the guide? I am looking at the use of cg2 with a guide tube from an outside source. 

On 11/11/2015 at 7:02 am, Marc Thomas said...

@ jim

​@ beta testers for cg2

is the d2 based off of a 1 mm height on the Sirona keys? Or is it to the top of the guide? I am looking at the use of cg2 with a guide tube from an outside source. 

Emil ?

For those of us with an MCXL, how big of a limitation will it be to only be able to mill the smaller blocks?

Marc, I used the same D2  as 1mm shorter then my drill length and everything went fine.  This was a BSB Conus 12 Astra clone using the Sirona Astra keys just like C guide 1

Chris I am not certain of the exact limitations but I know that I could have cut and shrunk this guide during design as much as I wished to.  My C guide 1 "tak" material guides were never as large as this was

On 11/11/2015 at 7:03 am, Thomas Lunstrum said...
On 11/11/2015 at 7:02 am, Marc Thomas said...

@ jim

​@ beta testers for cg2

is the d2 based off of a 1 mm height on the Sirona keys? Or is it to the top of the guide? I am looking at the use of cg2 with a guide tube from an outside source. 

Emil ?

Marc, I believe you need to subtract another 0.5mm, 1.5 mm total. If you use the 6 mm hole and place a metal insert it will add the height. So if you are using Sirona keys or Straumann keys it would be 1.5 mm.

@ Chris Haag: You have an MC XL so you need to use the Maxi guide blocks, which are larger.

@ Marc: D2 is measured to top of acrylic guide just like CG1.  You need to subtract whatever dimension corresponds to the guide components you are using.  If using a Steco guide tube and CG keys, subtract 1.5mm (1 mm for key, 0.5mm for tube).  

On 11/11/2015 at 7:55 am, John Pasicznyk said...

@ Chris Haag: You have an MC XL so you need to use the Maxi guide blocks, which are larger.

@ Marc: D2 is measured to top of acrylic guide just like CG1.  You need to subtract whatever dimension corresponds to the guide components you are using.  If using a Steco guide tube and CG keys, subtract 1.5mm (1 mm for key, 0.5mm for tube).  

This is what I do.  Straumann 1mm guided key with .5mm guide tube.  Drill length - 1.5

Nice job Jim.  Thanks for sharing.  Could you post some pictures of the treatment planning with the CBCT.  A walk through of the Galaxis part of it would be awesome.  The Academy Continuum last night was awesome but went very fast.  Pictures may slow it down.  Thanks.


Let me see what I can dig up Robert.  Will try to post something in a bit


Jim looks good my friend!!!!!!!

Jim looks good my friend!!!!!!!

Just to be clear is the old MCXL the same as the new MC XL? My understanding is that they are not.

Chris the only difference between the old MCXL and the new is that depending on the production date (determined by the serial #) your MCXL may have a left motor which is capable of high enough torque to mill the CG2 without being upgraded.  I bought my MCXL in late 2008 and so I had to pay for a motor upgrade just recently to acomodate the milling process.  The MCXL will also mill the MAXI block which is nice.  The MCX mill will only accept the MEDI blocks.  

Good luck!
