Zirconia crown, zirconia Abutment

Just a fun little case that I finished today.  Nothing special, just bread and butter.

Gold Crowns on #3 and 4.  #3 had decay underneath and #4 had vertical root fracture.

Extracted #4, let heal 6 months, Implant placement, integrated 3 months, inCoris Abutment (F2) and e.max LT crown.  I could have done e.max screw retained... but I did not have the right shade in stock :)

Zirconia Crown #3... polished.

Will give you and idea of what CEREC Zirconia (polished and no infiltration) looks like next to e.max.  Not terrible... but why I try and infiltrate lately to lower value more... very opaque

Nice work, nice comparison and total use of the technology.

pretty good mikey.

i did a few zircs today a bit better than last week. the key to me is just not to let a zirc sit next to a natural tooth in the smile zone. Plus, when the patient has that older greyish tint to their teeth, i avoid zirc then also as its much easier to use zirc next to a younger white/yellow tooth.

Ultimately, I look forward to the development of a more esthetic/translucent zirc and would be willing to give up some strength as long as still cementable at 1mm.

What is type of material is the inCoris Abutment (F2)? 

Looks beautiful. How was it customized? Infiltrate and polish? Stain and glaze? All of the above?

On 9/6/2016 at 2:50 pm, Jay Ross said...

What is type of material is the inCoris Abutment (F2)? 

zirconia abutment block made by Sirona.  It was the original one.  It comes in 2 shades (0.5 which is super white and 2...which is more yellowish).

@bob... the e.max was stained and glazed with Ivocolor and the zirconia was polished.

Got it. Thought the bicuspid was zirconia on zirconia. 

On 9/6/2016 at 3:06 pm, Mike Skramstad (Faculty) said...
On 9/6/2016 at 2:50 pm, Jay Ross said...

What is type of material is the inCoris Abutment (F2)? 

zirconia abutment block made by Sirona.  It was the original one.  It comes in 2 shades (0.5 which is super white and 2...which is more yellowish).

@bob... the e.max was stained and glazed with Ivocolor and the zirconia was polished.

I just found a couple of those in my drawer and was wondering what the .5 and 2 meant so thank you!!

Brent Pedersen, CCS Tech Specialist

Wow, gorgeous case Mike!  Truly artwork! Thanks for sharing with the community.

Mike, what type of camera and camera lense do you use?

All Canon. T2i with 100mm macro. Some of the lab shots are shot with twin flashes and bouncers.

On 9/6/2016 at 3:20 pm, Mike Skramstad (Faculty) said...

Is a screw retained zirconia option coming in the future?

On 9/7/2016 at 11:05 am, John Poston said...
On 9/6/2016 at 3:20 pm, Mike Skramstad (Faculty) said...

Is a screw retained zirconia option coming in the future?

Question- what would be the advantage over say a screw retained emax?  

On 9/7/2016 at 7:12 pm, Sameer Puri ( Founder) said...
On 9/7/2016 at 11:05 am, John Poston said...
On 9/6/2016 at 3:20 pm, Mike Skramstad (Faculty) said...

Is a screw retained zirconia option coming in the future?

Question- what would be the advantage over say a screw retained emax?  

Maybe strength at the expense of esthetics? Just curious really?

super case and show off of CEREC materials!!!!.......always like better screw retained though.....less sint process...i^ll still keeping my 0.5 and 2s away to some special ocation like this one (out of shades)

nicely done! Mike
I prefer Meso as abutment than Emax MO for kind to bur and easy to try-in with TiBase.
Another must buy reason for Speed Fire.

Is it true that the speedfire ovan is not cleared by the FDA to be used for the Sirona ZR implant meso blocks?

If so, when is it going to be approved? Any time table?

If so is it OK to do meso blocks for implants on patients?


Sirona would not have it as an option if it were not approved